
Author: Edie Eckman

5-Panel Blanket Crochet Along: Panel 1

Welcome to the first Panel of the Plymouth Yarn 5-Panel Blanket Crochet Along! You’ve got your yarn together, so let’s start crocheting. In case you are joining us later, start with the pattern introduction. Gauge As with any project, we’ll start by checking gauge. A gauge statement is given for each of the five panels. Chances are, if the gauge of Panel 1 matches the pattern, the gauge of the other panels will match as well. However, it is always safer to make a gauge swatch for each individual stitch pattern. How do I make a gauge swatch? Take...

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Welcome to the 5-Panel Blanket Crochet Along!

We’re going to crochet a blanket and learn some things! I’m Edie Eckman, and I so excited to be hosting this Crochet Along for Plymouth Yarn. I’ve designed this afghan in five panels, each with a different stitch pattern. We’ll be doing a different panel in each installment, and in the final installment we’ll be putting the panels together and adding a complementary border. You’ll need to be comfortable with chain, single crochet and double crochet. Along the way I’ll show you tips and tricks to make your crocheting go more smoothly. Why Crochet in Panels? The handy thing...

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