From the Design Director’s Desk- Cia Abbott Bullemer

This is the color chosen via Pantone the Color Experts. They predict what the colors will be-or do they set the trend-? What follows what? The chicken or the egg…


Here at Plymouth, we have several different yarns that fill this color range already.  Consider using one of these  for your next cowl, cardigan or baby girl’s cuddly blanket that she will drag around for years to come.  It is just a color that radiates warm sunshine, peace and tranquil emotion.

Baby Alpaca Grande color 834 Baby Alpaca Worsted color 8620, Cleo color 139, DeAire color 7713, Dynamo color # 3, Encore color 958 or color 458, Eros color 7107, Galway 132 or 177, Gina color 1 or color 8, Heaven color 55, Jeannee Worsted color 25, Johanne color 10, Kudo color # 54, Oh My color 9624, Pasea color 1014, Toria color 56, Whitney color 2001, Worsted Merino Superwash color 64 and Sahara color 1312.

Is that enough to choose from?