Poppin’ is a yarn that is at its best during the holiday knitting season.  With this yarn you can whip up a fun scarf in an evening.

Use size 7 or 8 needles, cast on 8 – 10 sts using a backweards loop cast on and knit- using 1 flat area for the first and last st of every row, and working 2 sts in each flat area in between.


Knitting With Poppin'

Knitting With Poppin’

Cast on an even amount, using the backward loop technique—1 st per straight area between pops.  Knit every row- working  1 st per straight area between pops for the first and last st of every row, and 2 sts per straight area between pops for every stitch inbetween (so work 1-2-2-2-1 for 8 sts, 1-2-2-2-2-1 for 10 sts).  Bind off working 1 st per straight area between pops.




Poppin' Scarf

Poppin’ Scarf

Poppin Scarf:  

Use 1 or 2 balls depending on how long and wide you want your scarf to be. Using the backward loop technique for casting on, cast on 8 or 10 sts.  Knit every row until almost out of yarn.  Bind off.