Knitta Please – a group of knitters that have struck again. The following photo’s were taken by a fellow lover of knitting and yarn. She sent me these pic’s and I was really psyched. What an “off road” way to travel. A town in Brooklyn, New York; is sponsoring an event, “Meters on Montague Street”

Cute Flowers on a meter
From May 14th through mid-June. It is such a unique way to display knitting. I just hope those meter maids are nice enough to pass by the “expired meter”. I can hope, can’t I? I would appreciate some feed back on this group and looking for ideas from others….My mind is racing now (can you smell the smoke) lol.
Click here for more from the NY Daily News

Street Meters

Bright Stripes on Meter
Why am I not surprised at those bright and colorful meter poles in our very own Brookyn! Leave it to a group of very creative knitters to come up with some the most interesting and cool designs around! Since I’m a stones throw away from, the one and only Brooklyn,NY, Montague Street no less, I will have to take look at the “Meters on Montague Street” in the near future. I bet the meter maids love those meters!
“Happy knitting trails to all”…